These are our Most popular questions!
Is there Parking at the meeting location?
Yes! There is free street parking at the meeting location! You can also use ride-sharing services such as Lyft, Uber, or a Taxi.
Can I get there with Public Transportation?
Unfortunately, no. The closest public bus stop is 1.5 miles away from where we meet. Additionally, it's a long uphill walk through a confusing Hollywood Hills neighborhood with limited to no cell service. Your best bet is to get an Uber or Lyft from Hollywood/Highland Station to the meeting location.
Do we visit the Griffith Observatory?
While we do spend the entire length of the tour in Griffith Park, we only observe the Griffith Observatory from a distance. However, many guests venture to the Observatory after our tour concludes.
Are there bathrooms available?
There are unfortunately no restrooms on the trail. So, plan accordingly. We don't like it, either.
What do you provide?
We provide waters! Hydration is important when you're walking through Griffith Park!
How long is the tour?
Our award-winning full length tour is usually 2.5-3 hours long and is 4.4 miles roundtrip (2.2 miles to the top of Mt. Lee Summit and back to the starting point). Our Express tour is 1.7 miles roundtrip and usually lasts 1-1.5 hours.
Do you accept gratuities?
Yes! Please Note: Tipping tour guides in America is customary and always appreciated. It's not mandatory but is the best way to show your guide that you had a great experience and encourages the exceptional service that they provide.
Which trail do you take?
We primarily focus on the Mt. Lee Summit and the easiest way (and safest) to the top of the Sign. We do not embark on the Cahuenga Peak Trail, or the Brush Canyon Trail, or the Mt. Hollywood Trail. Those are great trails if you're an adventurous hiker!